Program Manager – Federation of Dutch Food and Drink Industry (FNLI)

Program Manager – Federation of Dutch Food and Drink Industry (FNLI)

Program manager Pilot sustainability for  SME food production companies.

Apr. 2011 – Sep. 2013
In 2011-2012, an approach was developed and a pilot was carried out  with 4 SME food companies in the Zaan region. For this, a sustainability approach was developed which was based on the  9 themes as defined by the Platform for Sustainable Food; in collaboration with engineering firm KWA, The Terrace and TranspaRAbility.

A follow-up pilot “Branches get to work” with 8 food companies from the soups and sauces and ice cream industry started at the beginning of 2013 and was completed in September. Part of the approach was  a screening of the  production facilities which  resulted in an advisory report to immediately start producing more eco-efficiently. in addition the companies made a  a number of inspirational visits to front runners such as Arla, Peeze and Unilever.